Fellowship & Small Groups

Fellowship Activities
We have a variety of Fellowship activities offered throughout the year which provide an opportunity to enjoy Christian fellowship. Church members and visitors are welcome. These include group outings to sporting events, potluck dinners, pancake breakfasts, Easter egg hunts, clothing sales, bazaars, and hikes.
Our Men’s Ministry sponsors the ever-popular Chili and Soup Cook-Off every February with proceeds directed to our Food Closet.
We also enjoy socializing with one another at Coffee Hour each Sunday between worship services and at our annual Picnic.
Be sure to sign up for our weekly Limestone News and check out upcoming events at Limestone. All are welcome!
Annual Church Picnic
The annual church picnic is first Sunday in June.
Fellowship Family Fundraiser
At Friendly’s in Lantana Square, Hockessin, DE. in the Fall. Date to be announced.
Chili and Soup Cook-Off
Chili and Soup Cook-off is held on the first Saturday in February each year. Participants enter their chili and/or
soup recipes into a judged, friendly competition. Attendees get to sample as many of the recipes as they would like. There are also various crafts on display and baked goods
for sale. Tickets can be purchased ahead or at the door.
Coffee Fellowship
Every Sunday after both worship services (Labor Day through June), coffee, tea, and water are available with cookies and finger foods for a time to socialize in the Narthex. During June, July, and August, after the one 10AM service, lemonade and cookies are offered for socializing time.
Community Hikes
The CROP Walk is held annually in October to raise money for the Church World Hunger Program.
Covered Dish Dinners
Potluck/Movie night the third Saturday of every month (except July and December). Bring a dish to share of any food group for 5PM dinner. Beverages are provided. The movie starts at 6PM. You don’t have to be a church member to attend and enjoy.
Game Nights
About once a year attendees bring different games to
play with others during this fellowship event.
Pancake Breakfasts
Occasionally throughout the year there is a Pancake Breakfast at 10:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
A Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner is held on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday each Lenten season.
Alternative Gift Market
A meaningful way to honor someone with a gift of hope during the holidays. “Share our blessing” by supporting any of our 14 mission partners. The AGM takes place the first 3 Sundays in December.
Small Groups at Limestone
Women’s Bible Study
Second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
Bible Study
Second Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
Ladies Coloring
First and Third Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m.
Friday Book Group
Second and Fourth Friday of each month at 10:30 a.m.
Pre-Marital Counseling
Before marriage counseling for those wishing to be married at Limestone.