Baptisms at Limestone
Baptism serves as a visible sign of God’s love and our being a part of the community of the people of God that is the church. Our constitution mentions seven different significant meanings of baptism: “the faithfulness of God, the washing away of sin, rebirth, putting of the fresh garment of Christ, being sealed by God’s spirit, adoption into the covenant family of the Church, resurrection and illumination in Christ” (W-2.3004).
In a baptismal service, parents reaffirm their own faith and promise to help their children grow in the Christian faith. These promises are as important as wedding vows. The Session, which makes the decision as to whom may be baptized, expects at least one parent to be an active member of the church and to encourage children to be active in all aspects of church life.
The congregation’s promise is just as important as the parent’s; we need to be forever looking for ways to be supportive of families through generous giving of our time, talents and treasure. We baptize children in Sunday worship services because it serves as a reminder to us all that we are loved by God and are a part of the Church.